如何更改您的Apple Watch表带(不花一吨)
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There’s a very wide range of prices on the Apple Watch and a lot of that variation can be chalked up to variations in the band style. You don’t have to pay Apple a huge premium to get a different band, however, as you can swap it out at home with a myriad of styles. Read on as we show you how.

Apple Watch的价格范围很广,其中很多变化都可以归因于表带风格的变化。 但是,您不必向Apple支付巨额费用即可获得一支不同的乐队,因为您可以在家中将其替换成多种样式。 继续阅读,我们向您展示如何。

我为什么要这样做? (Why Do I Want To Do This?)

There’s a wide range of reasons why you might wish to remove and change out your Apple Watch band but nearly all of them can be boiled down to cost (with perhaps a sprinkling of fashion sensibility thrown on top). All models of the Apple Watch are identical aside from the cosmetics of the body and band. If you spend $17,000 for the gold Apple Watch or $349 for the sport model, the guts of the watch are absolutely the same: same components, same apps, same Watch OS.

有多种原因使您可能希望删除并更换Apple Watch表带,但是几乎所有这些原因都可以归结为降低成本(也许还有一点时尚感)。 除了身体和表带的化妆品外,Apple Watch的所有型号均相同。 如果您花17,000美元购买金质Apple Watch或349美元购买运动款,则手表的内心是绝对相同的:相同的组件,相同的应用程序,相同的Watch OS。

In light of that most people are loathe to pay a premium for the high end models just to get a different band or a different material. It’s much cheaper to buy aftermarket bands or even, as we boldly experimented with, .

有鉴于此,大多数人都不愿意为高端型号支付溢价,只是为了获得不同的表带或不同的材料。 购买售后乐队的价格便宜得多,或者甚至像我们大胆尝试的那样,。

While swapping out the Apple Watch band is incredibly easy (and doesn’t even require special tools) the real challenge is deciding what you want to swap it with and finding a suitable replacement band that properly matches and aligns with the body of your Apple Watch. Let’s take a look at how to remove the band, how to replace it with an Apple Watch only band, and how to replace it with an adapter that allows for the use of any standard watch band.

换出Apple Watch表带非常简单(甚至不需要特殊工具),真正的挑战是确定要与之替换的表带,并找到合适的替换表带,使其与Apple Watch的机身正确匹配并对齐。 让我们看一下如何拆卸表带,如何用仅限Apple Watch的表带替换它,以及如何用允许使用任何标准表带的适配器替换它。

如何删除您的Apple Watch表带 (How to Remove Your Apple Watch Band)

Removing the band from your Apple Watch is ridiculously easy. So easy, in fact, that we were completely surprised by the process. It bears absolutely no resemblance to the kind of tools-required fiddling you need to do in order to remove the bands from traditional watches (be the band leather or metal links).

从Apple Watch卸下表带非常简单。 实际上如此简单,以至于我们对该过程感到完全惊讶。 它绝对与从传统手表上拆下表带(例如表带皮革或金属链环)所需的摆弄工具的方式完全不同。

To remove the band simply turn the Apple Watch over in your hand, locate the small oval buttons at the top and bottom edge of the watch body, as seen in the photo above, and gently press them in with your finger while sliding the strap away from the case of the watch on a perpendicular plane (it doesn’t matter if you slide left or right as long as you depress the button).

要取下表带,只需将Apple Watch翻转过来,如上图所示,在表体顶部和底部边缘找到椭圆形小按钮,然后用手指轻轻按入,同时将表带滑开与手表在垂直平面上的情况不同(只要按下按钮,向左或向右滑动都没关系)。

Once the straps are removed you can easily see the mechanism that holds the strap on a little raised plastic bump kept under tension by a spring (depressing the button on the watch case depressed the tiny plastic bump and allows you to disengage the band from the watch case).


安装Apple Watch专用表带 (Installing an Apple Watch Specific Band)

Replacement bands come in two flavors: Apple Watch specific bands and adapters. The Apple Watch specific bands are complete watch bands that include an integrated and non-removable connector for the Apple Watch case (just like the Apple-supplied bands do).

替换带有两种口味:Apple Watch专用带和适配器。 Apple Watch专用表带是完整的表带,包括用于Apple Watch表壳的集成且不可拆卸的连接器(就像Apple提供的表带一样)。

In such case installing the strap is as simple as removing the original strap, as we did in the previous section, and sliding the new strap pieces onto the Apple Watch case.

在这种情况下,安装表带就像拆下原始表带一样简单,就像我们在上一节中所做的一样,然后将新的表带片滑到Apple Watch表壳上。

The photo above shows how cleanly we used for this tutorial aligned with the case and, embellishments on the strap side, looks very much like the Apple Watch sport strap. In the photo the Spigen strap is attached on the left and the standard Apple sport band is on the right.

上面的照片显示了我们在本教程中使用与表壳的对齐程度,表带侧的装饰看起来非常类似于Apple Watch运动表带。 照片中的Spigen表带位于左侧,标准的Apple运动表带位于右侧。

安装Apple Watch通用频段适配器 (Installing an Apple Watch Generic Band Adapter)

While there are already quite a few Apple Watch specific straps out there thanks to the popularity of the Apple Watch, that small pool can’t even compete with the sheer number of regular watch bands on the market. If you want to buy a regular watch band for your Apple Watch, you’ll nee to purchase an adapter for the Apple Watch that links the standard pin-style watch strap connection to the body of the Apple Watch.

尽管由于Apple Watch的普及,已经有很多Apple Watch专用表带,但小巧的表带甚至无法与市场上众多常规表带竞争。 如果您想为Apple Watch购买常规的表带,则需要购买Apple Watch的适配器,该适配器将标准的针式表带连接线连接到Apple Watch的主体。

Using an adapter is a tad bit more fiddly as it required the use of a screw driver and a steady hand, but it’s not too much of a hassle. There are many adapters on the market but they all essentially use the same design. There is a section that mimics the Apple-specific strap connection with the plastic bumps. Then, there are two little L-shaped pieces that slide into each other and then screw into the main body of the adapter. This is how you attach the strap to the watch, as the little linked L-shaped pieces replace the traditional tension pin.

使用适配器有点麻烦,因为它需要使用螺丝刀和稳定的手,但这并不太麻烦。 市场上有许多适配器,但是它们基本上都使用相同的设计。 有一个部分模仿了苹果特有的表带与塑料凸块的连接。 然后,有两个L形小块相互滑动,然后拧入适配器的主体。 这是将表带连接到手表的方式,因为小链接的L形零件取代了传统的张紧销。

In the above photo you can see a stainless steel generic adapter assembled with a strap in place, demonstrating how the L-shaped pieces replace the tension pin that would normally link the strap to a traditional watch body.


And here is that same stainless steel adapter inserted into a space gray Apple Watch. We purposely used a clashing adapter color to demonstrate the kind of fit and alignment you want with your adapter: notice how the edges of the steel adapter smoothly transitions into the body of the Apple Watch without any burrs or protrusions.

这是将相同的不锈钢适配器插入深灰色Apple Watch中。 我们特意使用了撞色的适配器颜色来演示您希望与适配器配合和对齐的方式:请注意钢制适配器的边缘如何平滑过渡到Apple Watch的主体中,而没有任何毛刺或突起。

仔细购买表带和适配器 (Shop Carefully For Watch Bands And Adapters)

One thing we can’t emphasize enough when it comes to purchasing Apple Watch specific bands and adapters is the importance of reading product reviews. Thanks to the growing popularity of the Apple Watch the market is absolutely flooded with bands and adapters in a wide range of quality. Vendors are hawking everything from $10 bands with included adapters to $50+ bands with integrated strap components.

在购买特定于Apple Watch的表带和适配器时,我们不能强调的一件事是阅读产品评论的重要性。 由于Apple Watch的日益普及,市场上充斥着各种质量的表带和适配器。 供应商正在兜售各种东西,从带适配器的10美元带到集成带部件的50多美元带。

A perfect example of the importance of reading product reviews is we purchased while researching this article (and the adapter seen in the parts-diagram-style photo in the previous section). The top review on Amazon points out that the particular adapter we were purchasing, the space gray adapter, matches in color but not in finish. Sure enough when it arrived it has the proper space gray color but a polishing, not matte, finishing. Now that’s something you can fix easily with a little scouring powder if you’re so inclined but had we read the reviews carefully we may have purchased a different adapter. (For the record the STOUCH adapter is very high quality and fit perfectly on the watch, our only complain was the glossy finish).

阅读产品评论的重要性的一个完美示例是我们在研究本文时购买(以及上一部分的零件图样式照片中看到的适配器)。 亚马逊的最高评价指出,我们要购买的特定适配器(深空灰色适配器)在颜色上匹配,但在外观上不匹配。 果然到达时它具有适当的灰色空间,但抛光而不是哑光。 现在,如果您愿意的话,可以用少量去污粉轻松修复,但如果我们仔细阅读评论,可能已经购买了其他适配器。 (根据记录,STOUCH适配器的质量很高,非常适合手表,我们唯一的抱怨就是光滑的表面)。

In our experience testing a wide variety of straps and adapters we didn’t find a single product that was out of spec in terms of fit but we certainly found that it is difficult to get a perfect match when it comes to color/finish.


Besides reading the reviews to check the fit and finish of the model you’re buying the other important consideration is what size you’re buying. Apple Watches come in the 38mm and 42mm sizing and it’s super easy to buy the wrong size (and get stuck with the hassle of returning it). We’re not going to say we might have ordered a few wrong sized adapters, but we’re not going to deny it either. Double check your size before slamming the One-Click purchase button!

除了阅读评论以检查您要购买的型号是否合适之外,另一个重要的考虑因素是购买的尺寸。 Apple Watch有38mm和42mm两种尺寸,购买错误尺寸的超级容易(并且容易陷入退货的麻烦)。 我们不会说我们可能订购了一些尺寸错误的适配器,但是我们也不会否认它。 猛击一键购买按钮之前,请仔细检查您的尺寸!

Have a question about your Apple Watch? Shoot us an email at ask@howtogeek.com and we’ll do our best to answer it.

对您的Apple Watch有疑问吗? 向我们发送电子邮件至ask@howtogeek.com,我们将尽力答复。



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